Saturday, 8 September 2012

Treatment Summary Report

So what is in a treatment summary report?

First of all, it is great to be home - my dad picked me up and to my surprise my son was in the van waiting for me too. He told me that he missed me - I am so lucky to have such a sweet boy.

Secondly, I was getting a bit nervous as I did not receive a fertilization status update like my Aussie friends did - our embryo transfers were scheduled for the same day. But after a good sleep, I woke up to find my treatment summary report. So if you don't get a status update, no worries as it will be provided in the treatment summary. In summary, I had 24 follicles, 19 eggs collected, and 18 eggs fertilized. 4 high-quality Grade 1, 8-cell embryos were transferred. Of the remaining 14 embryos, 13 were frozen ranging from 6-8 cells and Grade 1-2. This is summarized - no specific details per embryo frozen is provided. I'm very happy with the results!

It's pretty exciting to see the report. I cannot wait to find out the results in two weeks as well as for the two Aussie couples I met in Delhi. I'm crossing my fingers for all of us - it would be wonderful to return to Delhi around the same time next year! After saying that, for myself, I believe what's meant to be will be so we shall see what happens in two weeks' time. Woohoo!


Here's what you get in the report - keep in mind that some of the information is summarized and not detailed as it is provided in earlier updates such as sperm analysis. It's not a major deal for me as long as everything is AOK.

Basic Information

This section provides name of patient (me in my case), date of birth, cycle type (ICSI in my case), and cycle number.

Oocyte Collection Data

This section provides collection information on the number of hours post HCG, date of operation, duration, and the names of the surgeon, anesthetist, and embryologist. You also get information (for each side) on the size of leading follicle, number of follicles punctured, number of eggs retrieved, and number of ovarian stabs. Finally, information is provided on sperm - they list a few items but just provide general comments such as "frozen thaw, good survival" (I only did two donations given my schedule) - as well as any operative notes and complications.


For each of the four embryos transferred, they provide the cell-stage and grade including date of transfer. They use numbers here for grading versus letters back home. They summarize the total eggs, number fertilized (2PN stage), number frozen (cell stage and grade), and any abnormalities.

Embryo Transfer Details

This section provides information on position, vaginal discharge, cervix, and transfer type. It also provides information on ease of transfer, type of catheter, mucus on catheter, blood oppn catheter, and re-insertion of catheter. They write the date of pregnancy testing on the form as well - two weeks from transfer.

Thank you for letting me share this part of my world with you!


  1. Wishing you all the best on your 2 week wait. Baby dust to you.

  2. After you sent your blog link to me on a forum, I have been reading your posts and find them so informative and helpful. We are about to start the surrogacy journey with SCI as well, so all these details you are providing are very much welcome. My hubby and I have never even been overseas before, so the whole journey is daunting (but exciting)!

    Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us and I look forward to reading about your progress in future.

  3. Aleksandra - Thanks! I'm hoping it will go by quickly!

    Sereena - I'm so happy that you find my blog informative. That is my goal. You and your hubby will have a great time! Dr. S and her staff are wonderful and so friendly. You will also make new friends - try to schedule a meet-up before you leave for India. Finally, India is great - yes, it is a third world country but there is so much beauty in her people, landscape, and culture. Good luck!
